Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm Only Sleeping

The theme for Sepia Saturday this week is based on a photo of  sleeping man. I found no photos of sleeping men, but I did find a picture of my mother taking a poolside nap circa 1959.

I also found a beautiful illustration in a book of mine from 1840, showing the sleeping Chriemhilt (also known as Kriemhild) from the Nibelungenlied. This book was published with the Middle High German, so the spelling is different. The Nibelungenlied is an epic poem recounting the life of Siegfried the dragon slayer, his eventual murder, and his wife Kriemhild's revenge. The Nibelungenlied also served as the source material for Richard Wagner's opera, The Ring of the Nibelung.

The illustration was drawn by Julius Huebner and rendered as a woodcut by F. Unzelmann. The illustrations in this special celebration edition, are all very intricate and beautiful. I will feature more of them in the near future.


  1. Your mother is in almost the same position; nice link.

  2. That’s a lovely picture of your mother. She looks very comfortable and relaxed.

  3. Was that clicked in 1959?
    I thought colour photography was something like "Eastmancolour" in those days.

  4. The color in the photo looks different and better than that in the 1959 color photos I have.

  5. There is a tremendous amount of symbolism in the illustration. I look forward to seeing more.

    Your mother does seem very at peace. There is nothing more relaxing than a nap in the sun!

  6. It is amazing how much your mother and Chriemhilt lok alike. Both beautiful!

  7. Fun in the sun napping! Very cool photo of your Mother! Very nice themed post!

  8. Another nice early Kodacolor, and a nice song it was too ;-)

  9. Lovely photo of your mother; also what a special book you have, a real treasure.

  10. Mom is resting in the sun, nice. But that sketch in the book is truly gorgeous. They just do not make such things today despite our technology but then that was when books were considered valuable treasures.

  11. I love the photo of your mom! I love the look and style of it, do you have more pics of this vintage of Mom? Love the lawn furniture, her hairstyle, and her bathing suit(reminds me of the style on the older barbie dolls, the black and white striped that earlier Barbies wore)

  12. She looks like a young movie star.

    Love the illustrated page. And I recall when taking German in high school that 1/2 of our text were written in this old German. I used to be able to easily decipher it, but no more.

  13. Another reclining mother! A great pairing and post on the Sepia theme.

  14. Both images are lovely!
    Do you look very like your mother? I'm sure I recall an avatar that had a likeness.

  15. Funny to combine these two images, more than a century apart. Well done!

  16. Moms need their rest.
    Stopping by from random links from Sunday Stamps.

  17. Sheila,
    I do look a bit like my mother, but I'm a also bit older than she was there.

  18. Lovely photo of your Mum (fantastic legs!) and comparison with Kriemhild - my mum was a sun worshipper - when we went on holiday her only demand was "come back and turn me over at lunchtime". And here I am covering myself in Factor 30 in Scotland!

  19. Definitely a mid-century mod moment for mom!
