Thursday, September 22, 2011

More San Francisco Flower Vendors

I posted some 1910-1920 postcards of flower vendors in San Francisco a few days ago. These are a bit later - 1930s and 40s, but the flower vendors are still going strong.

By the way, how do you spell the word -vendor or vender? I have heard that vender is the American spelling and vendor is the British spelling, but I hardly ever see it spelled with 'er'  here in the United States.

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order.


  1. I am thoroughly enjoying these flower vendors!

  2. Your stunning photos.....make me want to go back to San Fracisco...maybe in November, my daugher and grand-daugther are going to LA and Disney Land, imagine that!

  3. We pronounce the word as Vend or and I think it is the same in the States.

    If in doubt call them flower-sellers, which I think is the more common in England.

    Great pictures by the way

  4. Very, very nice. Wish they were still out in full force but we do have some left.

  5. Lovely pictures again, You can also keep up with the fashions of the time!

  6. I love the printing on the one in the middle.
    I need to send/receive some postcards.

  7. Hallo Christine,
    Deine Postkarten sind wie immer wunderschön.
    Ich hätte gern ein paar alte Ansichten aus ew York Mitgebracht, habe aber leider keine gefunden.
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Beautiful linen cards, and they display wonderfully together! (the cars are nice, too)
