Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hotel Gregorian

Here's the excerpt from the previous post on the Hotel Gregorian:
In April 1906, The Montreal Gazette described the Hotel Gregorian as being among those 'realizing the highest ideals of the best homes with an atmosphere of refinement and well ordered ease'. The hotel is still there and is now operated as the Comfort Inn Manhattan Hotel.
This card was sent in November 1939 to Jean Weaver from her mother. Both this message and the one on the previous Hotel Gregorian card are puzzling and mysterious.

I am very curious as to what Mom was up to. She requests that her daughter fill out mail-forwarding requests for two different addresses. Both of these addresses and her daughter's address in Hyde Park, are within blocks of each other. Here's the back of the card.

The message reads:
Dear Sis: Please put pink card forwarding address thru for me at once. Former Chi. addresses
6230 Kimbark
6207 Kenwood
Will write you all as soon as get a machine. Love to all Mom.


  1. Gosh! I love the look of this hotel. Are those bay windows everywhere? Wow. Thanks for today's post of a great postcard!

  2. Oh I love a postcard with a mystery attached!

  3. I really liked the drawing of the building. It is marvelous to view.

  4. The building facade rendering sort of looked like a high school art project to me...

  5. The kind of mystery that would inspire me to write a novel...if I were a novelist, that is.

    BTW, I loved the comment you left on my etegami blog (Swiss army knife). It made me laugh and brightened my day. :)

  6. For me, the best parts of the card are the cars and the people. The card would be rather boring with just the building.

  7. What a divine card. I love that it is not colored, so that all the details of the building and cars come to the fore. I'll have to look for the hotel next time I'm on 35th and 5th, which is just a few blocks from the Lord and Taylor.
