Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tram Tuesday - Racine, Wisonsin

Some of you may remember that before I got lazy and stopped posting on weekends, I used to feature streetcar postcards every Sunday. I haven't done that in awhile, but I thought I would experiment with doing it on Tuesday instead. I may not do it every week, but I'll try to do at least a few a month.

Racine, a city of about 82,000 is located on Lake Michigan and has not had a streetcar since before World War II. That streetcar system ran from 1892 until 1940. Like many cities however, Racine has looked at bringing the streetcar back. Plans for a two-mile streetcar loop are included in the 2005 Racine Downtown Plan. It shows the proposed streetcar traveling on State, Main, 6th, and Marquette streets. As far as I can tell there is no target date though, and it's not there yet.

Here's the back of the card, sent to Gladys Knauf in Akron, Ohio in 1921 (?)

The message reads:

Dear Glad
We are working at this place today. Best to all. C +M
See Rialto theatre this is where we are today. with star above it.

The message makes me think that C + M were Vaudeville entertainers, performing at the Rialto.


  1. I love these old American cards. Everything looks so neat and organised and perfectly laid out. All the street at right angles, all the tram lines are straight lines.

  2. By the way, do take a look at the Sepia Saturday call this week!

  3. I know this town, of today anyway, and I just love seeing street cars! Great card, thanks!

  4. They may not have a streetcar (again, yet...), but Racine does have two, yes count them, two wonderful Frank Lloyd Wright buildings that are open to the public: 1) the 1936 Johnson Wax headquarters, with its awesome main work hall, and, 2) the grand Wingspread of 1937, home of H.F. Johnson, head of Johnson Wax. The term 'great room' is casually tossed around by realtors these days for any multi-purpose open planned space, but the combination entry foyer, music room, library and dining room at Wingspread- with its 4-sided fireplace core and tiered glass roof- is a space actually worthy of the label.

  5. Glad to see Tram Tuesday! Just catching up -- Sunday seems the day when I can do it. Great card, now I know how to color my street car rubber stampings.
