Friday, November 25, 2011

Rudy Goes Fishing

That's right, Rudy's back. If you remember previous posts about Rudy, he went off to fight in World War II and became ill at the end of his service. He had kidney failure and it turned out that he only had one kidney, so he ended up dying not long after he returned. Looking at the picture below and his somewhat puffy face, I have to wonder if that was due to kidney disease.
Here he is while he was still in the army, stationed somewhere in the U.K. The A.P.O. address is always a domestic address, so it's unfortunate that it doesn't give a better indication of exactly where he was.

In case you can't read Rudy's writing, here's what his letter says:

Hello Folks,
Just a few lines and I hope they find you all in the best of health and spirits. I went fishing with my new tackle yesterday and had good luck. I caught two trout, one 14 1/2 inches and one 11 inches. I also got a eel that was at least three feet long. After seeing the fish i caught some of the boys went today fishing but had no luck. It seems I that i am the only one that has any luck at this stream. I ate one trout yesterday nite for my supper. It was great eating. I went to town today and seen a show. I usually get up around noon when I work notes. Got a ticket also to see Bob Hope in person this Sunday. Well I'll say so long all. Thanks for everything. Rudy.

Here's the back of the photo.

For more good fishing, wade on up the stream to Sepia Saturday.


  1. You have a wonderful collection Christine. So to know where Rudy might have been, then it might be a help to see where Bob Hope was performing on the Sunday after July 9 1943 (July 9th was a Friday so the 11th would be Sunday)- Bob Hope was at RAF Molesworth on July 6 1943,
    and this link is about the airfields in the Bedford area
    So it might be possible to find out where he saw Bob Hope . . .

  2. So glad to see poor old Rudy back! And what a great link to the picture prompt. That’s an excellent idea of Lisa B’s; good luck with the detective work.

  3. The story of his life is unfolding for us here. It's remarkable how his story can touch us today through his simple writings. Bet he was homesick this time of year.
    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  4. Lisa, you are brilliant. Thanks for the tip.

  5. I hope you are able to find out where he caught the fish!

  6. I love that picture! It is such a great pose and composition, and it is amusing to see him with a helmet but no shirt.

  7. I think for Rudy, fishing was a full contact sport, Postcardy (according to my father, his brother Rudy LOVED to fish!), thus the helmet perhaps...

  8. Remember Rudy! Of course I remember him, I feel almost as though he is one of the family now. And what a picture that is, magnificent.

  9. Christine, What a great string of fish and the look on Rudy's face is priceless. He is so circumspect in his letter. Not wanting to brag, but wanting all to know of his fishing prowess at the same time. It made me smile.

  10. Of course I remember Rudy. Love seeing him and the fish he caught!

  11. Fishing in a helmet - or at least posing in one - what a great shot!

  12. A great photo for sure. Lisa does have a great idea. One never knows what may come from SS. We went deep sea fishing once in the Gulf of Mexico and never caught a single fish. But we were given a long string to have our photo taken with and the boy on the boat cleaned them all for 50 cents a piece and did we ever have a great fish dinner back at our condo. Our folks back home were sure impressed. LOL

  13. Good to see Rudy again. I'm glad he had time to go fishing in England and that he had a good catch. It must have been a warm summer to strip down to his vest.

  14. There's enough there for a necklace. LOL

  15. Good thinking, Lisa B :-) I bet Rudy's English trout was delicious with a little butter (if he could get it under rationing) and to have a copy of his letter must be quite poignant :-) Jo

  16. I've been off on a long wild goose chase trying to find out where APO 519 might be. I think it was Wilton but 519B was Blandford and that was a US General Hospital.

  17. What a wonderful photo and letter, so good to see that Rudy had fun in his short life.

  18. Thanks Sheila,
    I did a little research myself, but mostly ended up listening to Bob Hope on youtube.

  19. Sheila- based on comments in his letters, Rudy did actually work at a hospital for some of his time in the service, so perhaps you are on the right track.

  20. A splendid photo story that really captures the moment.

  21. A wonderful installment in the story of Rudy. I'm glad he got to see Bob Hope, and had some laughs in his too-short life.

  22. What a great image. Rudy seems like a character. Judging from his adventures in the service, I'm sure he had many, many stories to tell.
