Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Waters of Wiesbaden

Since Roman times, the springs in Wiesbaden, Germany have been recognized for their various qualities - as a place to bathe horses, a source for red hair dye, and a restorative tonic. The water may taste like salt and sulfur, but drinking it is reputed to help rheumatoid problems along with a number of other ailments. Kaiser Wilhelm II was a regular visitor here, but Wiesbaden was also frequented by Russian nobility and visitors from throughout Europe.

The buildings surrounding this particular thermal spring (the Kochbrunnen) were designed by architect Wilhelm Bogler in the 1880s. Although they survived World War II, they were torn down in the 1960s.
Here are some additional cards showing the building interior and exterior.

In the photo above, it appears that the man in the foreground on the left moved as the photo was being taken, resulting in a strange ghost image of his face.

Hmm, there's a typo on the front of the last card. Can you find it?

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order.


  1. There is such a similarity of treatment in that first decade of the picture postcard : whether it be Germany, the States or Britain - the photographers adopt the same angles and the people sit and stand in the same way.

  2. Wonderful postcards, it must have been great to visit the spas in their heyday, it's criminal that the buildings were demolished.

  3. Lovely buildings, but if the water tasted like that at Bath or Harrogate, I’d rather be ill.

  4. The word "grandeur" comes to mind. Beautiful structures, sad to hear they lasted only into the 1960s. Interesting misspelling of Wiesbaden, with that last "e" misplaced by an "s"!
