Monday, January 2, 2012

5th Avenue and 49th Street, New York City

Here's the view circa 1910, when St. Patrick's Cathedral was the tallest building and it was surrounded by residential buildings. Plans for the cathedral started taking shape in the 1850s, but many considered the idea preposterous, because the site was so remote. The cathedral's doors opened in 1878. After that, the city grew around the cathedral.

And here's what it looks like today. St. Patrick's Cathedral is still there, it's just dwarfed by skyscrapers.

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Here's the back of the card--sadly with no message.


  1. Wow! Pretty unrecognisable today apart from the cathedral.

  2. At least the cathedral is still there.

  3. I love all the flags. Now we know which country. Maybe it is in Hawaii?
    They didn't have so many flags in the old days!

  4. What a difference between then and now !!

  5. That card is a nice snapshot of the past, and in great condition!

  6. Amazing. Good to see the building is still there.

  7. Ah, change is so brutal. Those warm brick and brownstone buildings of old New York, with their awnings and Edward Hopper shadows...nothing else like them.
