Sunday, January 1, 2012

Czech New Year

The lovely Czech family on the front of this card sends you hearty New Year's greetings. I also wish you a very happy New year, but I don't read or speak Czech, so I'm afraid I can't offer a translation of the message on the back.  Any input from Czech speakers out there would be greatly appreciated.


  1. It’s a lovely card Christine. I see it has 1914 pencilled on it. Czechoslovakia didn’t existby that name until after WW1, but I can’t make out the postal address. You obviously know more about it than I do. Let’s hope someone speaks the language and can help us out.

  2. Nell,

    The sender/recipients were likely Bohemian or Moravian, but all we really know is that they were Czech speaking. Since there is no stamp or cancellation, we can't determine where it was sent from - and the recipient could well be in another country. Unless of course the message holds the secret.
