Monday, February 27, 2012

Giant Peaches

No need to worry about those peaches rolling off the flatcar; note the carefully positioned braces.

Rosella sent this card in 1912 to her sister, Mrs. Ina Clark, in Eureka, California.

The message reads:

Dear sister:-
Mamma received your Birthday postals . We are waiting for you to come home and see us. Uncle Hans'  and Uncle Amos' came up in the automobile on mama's birthday. How is Mrs. Crothers? We are all well and hope you are the same. Best regards from Raymond and all. 
Rosella.    write soon


  1. I have that card. I just purchased a bunch of them at the railroad museum last month. they were doing their "fruit/vegi" label exhibit.

  2. Na diese Pfirsiche dürften den ersten preis im jährlichen Obst und Gemüsewettbewerb gewonnen haben ;0)

  3. These peaches look better than the Allman Brother's Eat a Peach peaches. But shipping by rail over trucks always makes for better produce.

  4. Love it! I always enjoy your exaggerated postcards. This is a great one! I just posted one with a lobster.
