Monday, February 27, 2012

Tram Tuesday - Attleboro, Massachusetts

There was grass growing in the middle of Park Street in Attleboro circa 1907. It was a big wide street with lots of space separating the sidewalk and the streetcar tracks.

It doesn't quite look like that anymore. Here's a more modern view.

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Frank B. Eldredge sent this card to Jose Galavisi in Buenos Aires Argentina in 1907. Frank was a little perturbed. It seems he had sent Jose some American stamps in anticipation of an exchange, but Jose had simply returned the stamps.

The message reads:

Your letter with enclosures received 
am sorry you returned the sheet  of common stamps I hoped you would have sent  me a sheet of common Argentine stamps in return or handed it to someone who would. I should like a list of what you desire in USA stamps and also would ask what catalogue you use for medium of exchange. Upon receipt of list from you I will send you what I wish in Argentine stamps provided your list contains stamps I can furnish.



  1. As it says address only, he managed to write a lot! Nice handwriting.

  2. I found this really interesting, first that it was not a friendly message. I'm so used to reading postcards that are a friendly check-in, or at least a benign note of arrival somewhere. Also, I found it interesting how different his handwriting from his address printing is. I love the printing!

  3. Massachusettsist eines von diesen Wörtern, die ich nicht dreimal schnell hintereinander aufsagen könnte, ich kann es im übrigen auch nicht schreiben, ohne vorher nachzuschauen ;0)

  4. So what happened to the church with the spire? It looks like an old 17th or 18th century City of London Church on the postcard. I had a wander around on Street View but couldn't see it.

  5. Frank and Jose better not go into business with one another. I can see problems ahead.

  6. Sehr lustig Janine. Ich kann's auch nicht dreimal sagen.

    Howard, I'm afraid that church is gone. Given the choice between that and the other one, I'm not sure why they saved the one they did.

  7. I'm so glad you interpret the cards for us Christine-sooo interesting. Sounds like there was some serious stamp collecting going on.
    Love your new photo too, such a beautiful shot. I've been away from blogging for a few months-it's nice to be back!
    : )

  8. That is an interesting card to begin with. The message and 2¢ stamp on the front make it extra interesting.
