Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Balanced Diet

A balanced diet includes several servings of fruit per day. Help yourself.

Neither of these cards was sent. The backs both look like this.


  1. Thanks for such a day brightener! People and their amazing love for well....good things to eat! Have a happy day! Karen

  2. I wonder why not all watermelons are round? Do the postcards give any hints? Or does the European market only like the round ones?

  3. Lisa, I think, though I'm not sure, that watermelons are naturally oblong, but were bred to be round and seedless for modern tastes. And then of course there's the Japanese square watermelon.

  4. I haven't seen that naval orange postcard before....sweet! (pun intended)

  5. Oh, these are wonderful, Christine! I think I even have the one with the oranges somewhere.

  6. I think all these giant fruits have been handled by the Southern Pacific flat cars. They must have been the robber barons of giant fruit or there were some stock imagery sites back at the turn of the 20th Century!

  7. Awesome postcards! You're developing quite the collection of exaggerated postcards!
