Friday, March 23, 2012

Missing Ingredient

The 'Young Men Wanted' sign in the background is probably a coincidence, but these ladies might indeed enjoy the company of some young men for  a fun night on the town.

This lady's a little more direct.

 Here are the backs of the cards in the same order.

The theme for Sepia Saturday this week is 'going out.' To participate or to just have a look, click on the picture below.


  1. Funny post Christine - and what a selection of cracking hats! :-) Jo

  2. Perhaps the photographer had the young ladies stand there on purpose, the one on the right looks a little unsure about something :) Great photo!

  3. Let’s pretend the ladies actually put the poster up! What fun would ensue I’m sure - and the town would be shocked to the core.

  4. The lady second from the right is in on the joke, I'm sure. Looks like a girls' night out.

  5. What a great photo! Love the coincidence (?) of the sign.

  6. The first one would make a good leap year card. It's impossible to tell whether the sign was there for a humorous effect or whether it was a coincidence.

  7. Great pictures - Love the hats and dresses in the first one.

  8. I love the hats also. The one on the lady third from the left looks like a huge lettuce leaf!

  9. The ladies on the first card look like a party waiting to happen, hope they found what they were looking for while managing to stay out of jail! Not sure about the second one though, she looks like she might want to arm wrestle- I have driven by Bainbridge plenty of times, think I'll stick to that routine...

  10. great postcards!!
    hat many do you think it takes to keep those hats just perched on top of their heads?

  11. Whoa! I'm still laughing at the second card. The young lady would blush if she knew what I was thinking.

    Wonderful hats!

  12. Those hats seem barely on their heads -- I hope they had strong hat pins if they found those young men.

  13. That first photograph is absolutely stunning (especially when enlarged). You could write a book about the various expressions on their faces.

  14. You are making me laugh! Love your choices this week. That first photo is priceless...the ladies are so pretty and look like they are having fun.

    Kathy M.

  15. I just adore those cards, and the happiness in their faces!

  16. Wow those hats are something else, maybe they are going to coral the men. Look out Bainbridge:-)

  17. Was tut man nicht ales um den Richtigen zu finden

  18. That second card certainly gave me a chuckle!!!
    Nice way to start my Monday.

  19. I don't know, they look like a frisky bunch to me! Those hats are sure to mesmerize the gentlemen.

  20. Great photo card. But where are they? A train station perhaps, or a post office? I can make out "onsump" on the poster to the right - "consumption"? Public health notice? 's stamp-box page has the sailboat design as 1905-08.

  21. The hat wearing ladies appear to have a heavy dose of skepticism....while the post card poser knows what she wants....these bring a smile and there are endless stories there one could create!
