Monday, April 2, 2012

Clinton Burnett Died

I am sometimes surprised by the casual death announcements that are transmitted on an otherwise cheerful postcard - especially when the card has cute little Easter chicks on it.

Here's the back of the card, sent to Mrs. E.B. Spoor c/o Geo. Snyder in Delanson, New York.

The message reads:

Dearest Mother.
Hope this will find you all well. Clinton Burnett died this morning I have not been down home this week there has been some thing all the time Miss Fancher is going to be here to supper to night Well good by love to Florence and George and yourself. Carrie


  1. Well, the chicks do look sorta depressed... Perhaps the casual announcement was due to the fact that average life expectancy at that point was so much shorter than today, with death due to infant mortality, disease and injury fairly common.

  2. Goodness that is a bit stark, and how strange to put it in an Easter message!

  3. let's hope it was an acquaintance and not a good friend!She writes of it as if there was a change in the weather!

  4. Is it wrong that this made me giggle? hee! Great card.

  5. If Clinton was an important person in their lives, I imagine they'd already discussed his health in person or in previous letters. But Easter is about death and rebirth, isn't it? I believe that the original Easter took the sting out of death. So it doesn't seem the least inappropriate to me.

  6. Debbie, I hadn't thought of it that way, but now that you mention it...

  7. I guess the card was sitting around and convenient, don't you think? That or Clinton was perhaps not too endeared as a person, or may have been a chicken or something else for that matter!

  8. Steven,
    You have a point there, although if Clinton Burnett had been a chicken, I think it would have been phrase differently: Our chicken, Clinton Burnett, died this morning. Miss Fancher is joining us for supper.

  9. I can't help myself....I am laughing...and these comments are a riot...
