Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Greetings

Considering how many Easter cards I have, I think it must have been common practice to send lots of them. I'm guessing they were almost as popular as Christmas cards. Who sends Easter cards anymore? Nobody that I know. There is something very festive and fun about them though and the mystifying blend of pagan and Christian traditions, with bunnies, eggs, chickens, and Jesus.

Don't mess with this chick; you'd be sorry.

 This poor little chick with the umbrella must live in Portland or Seattle.

Wait a minute, angels don't have sideburns. Run away little chick, this is an imposter.


  1. A Happy Easter, Christine!
    These are very nice postcards.

  2. These are lovely but you’re right, and I ony send Easter cards to my very young grandchildren, and I choose ones with chicks and bunnies.

  3. A lovely selection of cards. My mother sends a few Easter cards every year but it is getting fewer.

  4. Even Jesus of yesteryears look very subdued and gentle.
    Just love love love to look at these old cards.

  5. Lovely postcards, the first one is especially good

  6. You got a well represented assortment of Easter cards here, ones to satisfy anyone's taste. We got up to 70 degrees today, 15 degrees warmer than forecasted! Did Portland get to 90 degrees?

  7. I've always been a big fan of Easter postcards, even though they're not as popular as Christmas. The artwork is often fantastic....and highly imaginative!

  8. How I love these easter postcards! They have this "vintage" touch that made them so adorable and simply gorgeous. Perfect easter greetings this coming Easter 2013. Thanks!
