Monday, April 9, 2012

National Library Week

Celebrate National Library Week (April 8-14th) by visiting your local library.
If you live in Rome, New York, you can go to the Jervis Library, built in 1895.

If you live in Norwich, New York you can go to the Guernsey Memorial Library, although the building shown here was demolished in the 1967. The new library looks pretty nice too.

You can also go visit the mammoth Milwaukee Library.

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order. I think they're all clear enough to read as is.

 The first card was sent to Miss Persis Davis in Los Angeles. The second one was sent to Alma Tarbox in Harford Mills, new York. I have quite a few cards to and from the Tarbox family.

The last one was sent to Mr. C.P. Robb in Winona, Minnesota.


  1. Christine, these cards would have been ideal for last weeks Sepia Saturday where the theme was libraries.

  2. I love the library system and these cards are great. What beauties those libraries are!

  3. The first two libraries don't look like traditional library buildings.

    You can visit the Minneapolis Public Library on my blog today.

  4. Such great cards! I always enjoy a trip to the library! Thanks!

  5. Bob,
    I know :(
    I just had so much Easter stuff to post that I felt I needed to wait until Monday.

  6. Die Guernsey Memorial Library ist traumhaft schön, so ein Haus hätte ich gern (Natürlich voller Bücher).

  7. Beautiful buildings - I miss the ornate libraries of this time period!

  8. Amazing how prominent the architecture was/is on some of the older/larger libraries. I remember being a kid and getting my own library card for the first time. It was a right of passage.
