Monday, July 30, 2012

More Cats in Advertisiing

Here are some more cats working hard to promote totally unrelated products on circa 1880 trade cards. The first one is especially clever, suggesting that if you don't buy a shoe with a black reinforced tip, it won't even make a safe nest for birds.

If you're near Salina Street in Syracuse, new York, you can head over to G.W. Ingalls & Co. and buy yourself a pair.

Then you can head down the street and buys some fruit vinegar from John Ferguson, Grocer.


  1. The image is interesting isn't it but it's a rather laboured way of making the point about the quality of the shoes I'd have thought.

  2. Animals are a popular theme today and I guess they were back in the late 1800s. If it is not a child promoting an item then its a cat.

  3. I have a collection of cat trade cards, including the one with the shoe. Mine is from Troy, NY. The text on the back is the same, but it is in portrait orientation and uses different typefaces.

    Maybe I should post some of my tradecards on my postcard blog. I have a few on my cat website, but that site is about 10 years outdated.

  4. I don't see the connection between vinegar and cats. I'll try pickling my cat's food with vinegar, but I'm not sure she will find it satisfactory.

  5. that fruit vinegar cat looks slightly demented!!!!
    i do love both of them!

  6. Looks kinda like a cat-dog mix on the fruit vinegar one, and I'm still wondering how that shoe got up in a tree in the first place...

  7. The shoe cat is brilliant. I am not sure why they thought the cat would get me to by their vinegar, though.

  8. This grate!!! I love Shoes,cats and birds.
