Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tram Tuesday - Salford, England

If you were standing here today in Salford near Manchester, you would be in the middle of the motorway. But back when this photo was taken, Cross Lane was a vibrant street with trams, shops, and the Ship Hotel and its famous Ship Pub. The Ship Hotel was built in 1888 and demolished in 1973 after many colorful years and many visits by foreign sailors and locals alike.

On this postcard you can see The Ship on the left-hand side. Jessie was staying just down the street from The Ship where you see the X.

At the time this postcard was published, circa 1910,  Greater Manchester had an extensive tram system. According to Wikipedia, the tram system provided 200 million passenger journeys per year by 1915 on 662 vehicles. At that time it was the most popular form of transportation. The tram system recovered quickly from damage during World War I, but was closed for a time in 1918 to stop the spread of the Spanish Flu.

In the 1940s,  tracks were pulled up to provide steel for the war effort. As in many places, the trend was to abandon trams for buses. Salford tram service ended in 1947, with Manchester service ending just two years later.

Here's the back of the card, with Jessie's message:

Dear Leon
Where I have put that cross is the place Street I am staying in I often ride on the street car to town lovingly Jessie

Does the fact that she refers to the street car instead of a tram indicate that she was perhaps visiting from the United States?

You can view a video of Salford history and The Ship at Salford Online.


  1. It took me a while to find "The Ship."

    I started a new blog today called "Postcard Gems" and am working on it now

    Postcard Gems

    It will be kind of like "Bad Postcards" but also have roadside postcards.

  2. That's an interesting combo light/electric line post with the spider/starfish thingy on top. People seem to enjoy just hanging out in the street in these old tram shots, guess you could do that when the vehicles moved a bit more slowly than today.
