Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tin Types #3

Since very few of the tin types I have are labeled in any way, it's nice to have one that provides an exact location. Island Park was an amusement park located in Auburn, New York on Owasco Lake, one of upstate New York's Finger Lakes. The park is now known as Emerson Park.  The dazed pilot looks like a cross between Dustin Hoffman and Cary Grant.

With few exceptions, the old photographs I have are from upstate New York and  neighboring areas of Pennsylvania. And although we don't know where this child's photo was taken, there is a notation on the back that says: PTM age 6 after Typhoid

These other photos are nameless, but lovely in a mysterious way.

Here's a photo taken by W.M. Hillard of Scranton, Pennsylvania, but we don't know who the man is. Most of the other tintypes were probably also presented in paper folders like this one or in cardboard frames. They likely disintegrated over time or became soiled and were discarded.


  1. I have really enjoyed your tin type entries, these and the priors. Even though I collect all types of old photos, here is just something about tin types that draws me to them, I don't know if it's the shawdows or the mystery but I keep buying them! And you are right, the guy in the first photo does look like Dustin Hoffman!!

  2. Another great collection, the baby's pram is very fancy, very nice. They must have got the amusement park photo as a souvenir, I have a couple of tintypes (very small) which are groups at the seaside, must have been a lucrative business. It's amazing they have lasted so long really, some of mine are looking a bit fragile in places.

  3. Love the tintypes. And yes, that pilot does look dazed! Funny...

  4. The tin types seem to have a more dramatic feel. They are very beautiful.

  5. The child in #3 looks more serious and perhaps older than his parents... The embossed frame of #2 is pretty, but feels sorta creepy combined with the somewhat ghostly image of the girl. And the woman in #4 appears to have an unusually long neck!

  6. Mysterious is the right word. It 's like the historic visual is trying hard to be seen in the future, today.

  7. #1: The lady at the left and (especially) the man at the right don't seem to have a jolly good time ...
