Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tram Tuesday - Heidelberg, Germany

Electric trams had been around for about five years when Dr. Bine sent this card to his sister Marie. Decades later, I would board a streetcar here every day on my way home from school. There are still streetcars in Heidelberg, along with an S-Bahn and a funicular that goes up to the castle.

The message on the card (written on August 2, 1907) is a continuation from another card that I don't have. I's still interesting though:

_____ from his mother just now. She was writing from the Adler Sanitarium where Schmoll (?) placed her for 2 weeks - he treating her with Moffitt consulting. It is thus much more satisfactory to know her there as we start out on the trip to-morrow Saturday and a weight off our minds as her Los Angeles doctors were by no means as reassuring. She says Moffitt is to write to us as soon as he gets time + Schmoll is to write to Liss about her in a day or so.  Heard from Sadie yesterday. She says  Marcelle got Jeanne ___, a David Salomom- are desirous of knowing whether fish for an Isaac henry ___ Sadie says I'll take her present home later. Also says her dad sent us money. How much? 
I can't make out the last few lines at all.

Here's another card Dr. Bine sent from Heidelberg.

The message reads:

Many a time I ____ I turn up the Bunsenstr. which leads up the RohrbachStr. to the GaisburgStr. Where you see the word "Hotel" stands the Hotel pension "Alt Heidelberg", a more or less modern Pension. That is the Rohrbacj Str. + up that last block to the end + then a block to the right + we are home. You can thus begin to get an idea of where we have been living. Here are the backs of the cards in the same order. 

For more posts on Dr. Bine, Click HERE. 

Another Dr. Bine post (probably the last) coming soon.


  1. Da hatte aber jemand viel zu erzählen

    1. Er hatte noch viel mehr zu erzaehlen in hunderte von Karten. Ich meine er schrieb auch Briefe.

  2. Now that would be an awesome school bus, I'm guessing they had modernized a bit by the time you rode them though... Love the way the writing on the first card dances across the building facade between the pilasters, and how it fills the sky on the second one and is counter-balanced by the postmark.

  3. Such lovely and flowing handwriting (the address)
    This can be possible only with an ink pen.

  4. Oh so he did have cards where you were supposed to write on the back, he just liked writing over the pictures ;) obviously he couldn't break the habit of having undivided backs.

    1. Lisa,
      You are very observant. Yes, at this point he could have been writing on the back without those pesky buildings getting in the way of his lengthy message. I suspect he may have saved money on postage though, because I think if you didn't write on the address side, the card could still qualify as printed material rather than as a letter.

    2. I'm glad he wrote on the front, as it makes the cards uniquely personal- if he had just written on the back, I probably would have never pulled most of the original batch out of that sale box for Christine to look at.
