Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Star Spangled Banner

Over the years the American flag went through many transformations.  In fact, the first American flag used in 1775 had a pine tree on it!
The original Star-Spangled Banner had 15 stars, representing the 13 original colonies with the addition of Vermont and Kentucky. Somewhere along the line, perhaps in battle during the War of 1812, one of the stars from the flag went missing. That may be why this flag is depicted with 14 stars. However, it's still not accurate, because the stars are too chunky and there should have been five offset rows with three stars in each row. For that matter, it doesn't have the right number of stripes either; it should have had 15 instead of 13. It looks a little like the Guilford flag, which had 13 stars (but with eight points) and 13 stripes (but red and blue.) So, I'm baffled. If you have any ideas, let me know.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Ultimate Postcard Bargain

Where do you go to buy postcards? You can buy them at antique stores, garage sales, auctions or online. If you're looking for something specific, online auctions and websites are probably your best bet. But, if your interests are broader and you love a variety of postcards, there's another great option; it's what I call the 20-cent bin. This is especially great if you're just starting to collect postcards and don't know exactly what you want.

Postcard clubs often have boxes where members can deposit their unwanted postcards. These postcards are then available for sale to other members and visitors, often for 10 or 20 cents each. The proceeds help to support the postcard club. I am always surprised at the treasures I find in these boxes. They may not be in mint condition, but they are treasures nonetheless.

Here are some of the cards I have rescued from the 20-cent boxes (the first one alone has given me at least $2 worth of laughs):

I am a member of two postcard clubs, the Webfooters, where I bought these fine cards for a total of 80 cents and the San Francisco Bay Area Post Card Club. Unfortunately, I don't live close enough to San Francisco to attend any of their meetings, but I like to support this club because they have a great newsletter and a fantastic website. Their reference links are amazing. Without their website, I never would have known that there are people who specifically collect corset postcards or that there is a Virtual Corkscrew Museum Postcard Gallery. I also noticed that one of the newer members in one of these clubs specifically collects postcards with accordions on them (there must be a law against that.)

Here are some other postcard clubs (in no particular order) that might interest you:
The Taconic Postcard Club (Yorktown Heights, NY)
Rhode Island Postcard Club, North Providence, RI
Twin City Postcard Club (Minneapolis/St.Paul, MN)
Tropical Postcard Club (Pompano Beach, FL)
Norske Postkortsamlere (Oslo, Norway)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Streetcar Sunday - Washington, D.C.

Once again, it's Streetcar Sunday!
This card was sent in 1918. Note the cancellation stamp, which says "food will win the war." I'm going to have to think about that one for awhile. The sender affixed twice as much postage as was needed;  postal rates had been increased during the war, but only for letters. The cost of mailing a postcard remained at one cent until 1952 when the rate was raised to two cents.

Washington's streetcar service was established in 1862. As in many other cities throughout America and around the world, the first streetcars in Washington D.C. were horse drawn. There was a big incentive to move away from horse-drawn streetcars, as the horses required constant care and maintenance, messed up the streets with their manure, and were unable to pull the cars up steep hills. If there was an outbreak of disease among the horses, it meant that the cars had to be pulled by humans.

In 1894, Congress began requiring streetcar companies to switch away from horse power. They had also prohibited overhead wires, so providers had to choose between cables, battery power or underground wire. Some streetcar companies tried cable systems, but it soon became clear that the electric system was superior. At the time this postcard was printed, Washington D.C. had about 100 miles of track within the city and many of the existing streetcar providers had consolidated.

Beginning in 1935, several streetcar lines were converted to bus lines, but as gas rationing during World War II cut down on automobile use, the streetcar service thrived. By 1945, Washington D.C.'s streetcar fleet was the third largest in the United States. Washington D.C. also retained its streetcar system much longer than most American cities. The last streetcar ran in 1962.

Now Washington D.C. is looking at reintroducing streetcar service with 8 lines and 37 miles of track.  The district bought its initial streetcar vehicles in conjunction with the City of Portland, Oregon in order to benefit from a bulk purchase. Unfortunately, various construction delays required the cars to be stored for several years in the Czech Republic at large expense. The cars were finally shipped to the U.S. in late 2009. The first two lines, in Anacostia and on H Street, are scheduled to open in 2012. The rest of the system is scheduled to open by about 2020.

One of the problems with transportation planning in Washington is that there are so many competing (or at least conflicting) branches of government with different sets of rules. For instance, the first part of the H Street line falls under the the congressional prohibition of overhead wires, but the rest of it does not.



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