Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Up, Up and Away

As promised, this thousand and first post is my last, at least for the foreseeable future.  I will be checking in occasionally and updating some of the posts. Links to updated posts will be on this page, so check back from time to time if you like. I will also be cleaning up the list of tags at the bottom of the page so it's easier to find things.

I bid you a warm farewell with this patriotic stand-up card, 7"wide by 10.25" high. These were produced by the National Tea Company at the turn of the century to give to customers or use as a display. National Tea Company was a grocery store that started out in Chicago and became a popular chain store, particularly in the Midwest.

Thanks again to my many faithful readers and the thoughtful comments and insight you contributed to this blog. I hope you  enjoyed this adventure as much as I did. I wish you all the best.


February 13, 2014 - After finding a relevant and touching photo, I just updated the post on George Muhlig and his family with an addendum.

Fighting to Clear Her Ancestor's Name
You may remember the numerous (and humorous) posts regarding Tracy Graham of Delhi, New York.  Eventually, my research led me to his daughter Bernice, who is alive and well and still living in the the Delhi area. At 82, Bernice is not just sitting around.  She is the Meredith Town Historian and has recently written a book entitled My Grandmother Mary Was Hanged.  It turns out that Bernice's 7th grandmother was convicted of witchcraft and hanged back in 1663 in Connecticut. Apart from writing the history of the event, Bernice is trying to convince the State of Connecticut to exonerate her 7th grandmother. You can read more about the book in this Washington Post article or buy the book from Avalon Moon in Delhi, Dew York.

Update February 15, 2014. I just got another letter from Bernice today. She's at it again! Bernice just published another book, A Sheriff's Mounted Division in Delaware County New York, which details the history of the mounted division.

Jordena Flood Green Update
Recently I was contacted by a relative of Jordena Flood Green whose name is Linda. She didn't actually know Jordena, but she was contacted as an heir upon Jordena's death. It seems that Jordena had no close relatives when she died, and although she didn't have a huge amount of money, she had numerous accounts including a Swiss bank account. There was also evidence of a trust fund financed by a mysterious man. Jordena's relative said that there were also a number of photographs of Jordena on cruise ships and in Hawaii.  If she sends me copies of these photos (wouldn't that be great!) I will add them to the post and let you know.

Elizabeth Brady Cabot Winslow
It's easy to understand why people are fascinated with Elizabeth's story, which is both mystifying and heartbreaking. I mentioned that we have some film footage from her modeling days. It has been transferred from film to a digital file. I have added a very short snippet from the film to this post. I only included a short segment to avoid confusion, since other models were also on this film.


  1. Best to you, Christine, as you move on to other projects! I will miss you, though.....

  2. That's so sad. I do hope you'll be back before too long. Thank you for your encouraging comments on my blog and I hope you'll pop by from time to time.

  3. Thanks Christine for introducing me to so many fine postcards and motivating me to buy a few. Good luck in all you do.

  4. I have loved reading your postcard blog! You've uncovered amazing stories, history and images. I'm sorry you're saying goodbye, but...well, I'm sure you have many other wonderful things to do!

  5. How about posting once a week? It's easy to get burned out posting every day.

  6. I'll miss you :(. Good luck with your new projects and thanks for such a wonderful blog, every visit is a pleasure.

  7. What do you mean, Christine, that you're bidding us farewell!? No more postcards because you ran out? Because other interests have taken your attention? Are you ill? My blog reader will be so much less wonderful because you're not there every day with a new postcard or image! I'm sad.

  8. Oh dear. Did you really make such a promise!? I never paid much attention to commercial postcards until I started reading your blog, and now I cannot look at them without curiosity and without thinking of you.

  9. Congratulations on your one thousand and first post. And thank you for a very nice and entertaining and educational web site! We'll see what the unforeseeable future will hold...

  10. i will miss you!!
    i wish you the best .......thank you for all the posts...for the peeks into the past,and peoples lives!
    i have enjoyed every visit...please know that you brightened my days!

  11. I must say that you have totally made me look at postcards and old pictures in a different light. Thank you for opening my eyes. I will miss your daily insights into historical characters and places. Thank you again

  12. After getting over the shock of learning you weren't going to post anymore, I'm remembering my manners. Congratulations on 1001 posts, Christine! What a labor of love to post a postcard or photo every single day. And not just the posting of it but all the research that you've included makes your effort seem Herculean. I'm in awe. Thank you for sharing so much, for teaching us so much, and for making it all so much fun!

  13. I'll miss visiting here, but with 1001 posts I'm sure there are some I haven't seen. But doggone it! First I lose my favorite restaurant and now this!

    Hoping you find something in the future to regale us with.

  14. I know I have a lot to catch up on, and will visit often to read what I've missed. I understand about making room for something new. Best wishes in your next endeavor.

  15. A fine choice of cards for a post election day farewell- wishing you fair winds and sunny skies on your flight to wherever! And a heartfelt thanks and congratulations back to you for a job well done, providing us with great images, history and informative/intriguing posts over the past few years, it has been a real pleasure tuning in each day to see what you have come up with. This blog has been a labor of love, which you approached with dedicated passion and energy- I should know, since I am the architect that steals your covers. Your efforts have been much appreciated by your readers, and I'm sure that John the Mailman is thrilled that you have shared so much with so many.

  16. I'm going to miss your posts Christine. Your blog is one of the ones I check on a daily basis. I pray you'll come back soon and keep posting these wonderful postcards. All the best.

  17. Best wishes with your future endeavors! Your research, and discoveries you made about the cards were spectacular. Thanks for your comments on my blog as well.

  18. Thanks Christine, I will miss you! Also thanks for all the nice comments on my blog. All the best to you, Greetings Truus ♥

  19. I was hoping you might change your mind. I shall miss your posts. But whatever you do, keep in contact.
    Alan & Isobel

    1. Thanks, we will. And I hope you will remember to visit us if you ever come to the Pacific Northwest.

  20. Loved this blog!!! Maybe we'll see each other again - on the flip side!

  21. Dear Christine, I just wanted to wish you all the best in your future endeavours! It has been a pleasure all this time to pop round to your blog and read your latest instalments. Please do keep us posted on your projects and I hope to hear from you again! Love, Nathalie x

  22. What a wonderful send off, though I will miss your insightful posts!

  23. You could have tried to wean us from your wonderful blog! You could have been "The Weekly Postcard" for a while, then "The Monthly Postcard", then...well you get! :D This going cold-turkey is difficult! You will be missed Christine!

    1. Oh, Steve, you made me laugh. I'm just imagining The Annual Postcard. Thanks so much.

  24. Wow, I expected a few good-bye comments, but this is really touching. Thanks so much to all of you. I will miss your comments, but I am so glad I did this and so glad you were there to read and comment.

  25. Christine, I hadn't checked in for a while and therefore was unaware that the daily postcard was being [gulp] retired. I have really enjoyed your blog and will miss my dose of the Daily Postcard. One-thousand-one posts, wow, I've only been at my blog for a year now and think it'd take me many, many more years to get anywhere near that status.

    Will Christine H. be reincarnated into another blogger form? No need for a daily commitment. Weekly is good, perhaps the monthly full moon or something like that. The Leap Year Report?

    Also, thank you for all the wonderful comments you've left for me over at the luddite's journal. I do hope you will continue to stop by once and again.

  26. Hi Christine,
    I'll miss your posts. I don;t comment much, but I check them out. I understand needing to take a break though. You've made lots of posts, that's for sure! Hope all is well.

  27. Christine,
    I was away the day of this last post and just want to say "thank you" for all the wonderful postcards you shared with us and all the stories -- I enjoyed the ride! I will miss new posts but I will stop back to look at some of my favorites from time to time. And good luck to you with your new interests and a little more free time.

  28. Oh boo hoo! Truly! What's next on the list of Wonderful Adventures with little Chrissy?
    See you next year.
    love and kisses

    1. More travels with you guys, I hope. Looking forward to seeing you in 2013.

    2. Fer shuur! Can't wait! Let's hope the fat boy continues to fit on the plane.

  29. This blog has been a phenomenal feat. I've never understood how you could keep up posts of such quality let alone find the material for them. Enjoy your break. Doubt you will resist a return to blogging at some point so will call back from time to time to see 'what's next'.

    * * *

    P.S. I'm gradually letting people know I've moved my blog 'Message in a Milk Bottle' to a new URL -

    - where it is now known as M2.
    If you would like to - please do re-follow there!

  30. Thank you, Christine, for your very interesting and nice blog. And thank you for your comments in my blog too. Be happy!

  31. Hey we all are going to miss those vintage cards, and your writing :-)

  32. Awww...can it really be true? in any case, I wish you well Christine. Though I just know you will be doing something equally wonderful with your time. will you be keeping your blog up as in, online? I believe it will be a great inspiration to those that come across it.
    Please promise to keep us posted! (pun intended)

  33. I will miss your fabulous blogging, Christine! But I can understand needing a break: I find it increasingly difficult to keep up with my own, much smaller blog, and I was always amazed at your ability to craft such detailed and research based posts on a daily basis. Thank you for all the enjoyment your posts have given me, and for being one of the first and most frequent (and funny!) commentators at my blog. I really appreciated and valued the friendship you offered. Hope we can stay in touch!

  34. So sad to see you hanging up your blogging boots...this blog has been a real inspiration! I wish you the best in your new projects!

  35. Hello,

    I am a postcard blogger too and just found your amazing blog... I see I found it too late though. I hope and pray all is going well with you and your family.

    9teen87s Postcards

  36. May I also contribute a belated thanks, Christine, for your blog's presentation and thoughtful histories. I've learned so much about the many varieties of ephemera through your blog, and will undoubtedly continue to consult it from time to time. My very best wishes to you for 2013.

  37. Thanks so much Christine for your diehard deliverance of so much history and amusement. The Daily Postcard was and will continue to be a refreshing stop for all generations.

  38. Happy New Year, Christine!

  39. This is lovely. I think the most amazing experience of my life was to take a trip in a hot air balloon, which, because the wind came up, floated a lot further than it should have.

  40. hi christine! thanks for dropping by...always nice to hear from you! xx

  41. Hope you're doing well and had a good trip in die Schweiz!

  42. That's a lovely way to say Good Bye!
    Any plans to return back?

  43. Up, Up into 2014!

  44. Happy 2015 Christine!

  45. Like Karen I hope all is well. Here we are, 2016!



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