Sunday, April 18, 2010

Happy Birthday

Two cards today, one for my father's birthday and one for Streetcar Sunday! It's Madeleine's birthday too! Happy Birthday, Madeleine.

Streetcar Sundays - Cortland, NY

Cortland, NY is 31 miles from Syracuse and has a population of about 18,500 today. The picture on this card is from around 1906. You can see the streetcar in the distance. The streetcar system in Cortland was discontinued in 1931.
The sender has written a message on the front of the cards that says:
I am feeling quite good this morning.
am coming home.
There were a number of people with the last name of Tarbox in Cortland and Harford Mills. I tried to find out more about H.E. Tarbox, but it would take more research. It's a wonderful last name.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Anna Nesbitt Boggs at the Ostrich Farm

This is Anna Nesbitt Boggs at the Ostrich Farm in Los Angeles, very close to the Alligator Farm from a previous post and owned by the same people.  The Ostrich Farm opened in 1906 and operated until 1953. Who was Anna Nesbitt Boggs? Well, I don't know either, but her name was written on the back of the card, and the internet being what it is, I was able to determine that she was the second wife of William Boggs. William was born in 1868 and died in 1957. The handsome man standing behind the carriage is probably William. One way or another he's likely to be a William

This was also the second marriage for Anna, who had previously been married to another William - William Nesbitt. Anna was born in New Kingston, New York in 1868 as Anna Eliza Henderson and died in 1950 in So. Stamford, New York. She and her first husband are buried in the Valley Views Cemetery.


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