Tram service in Copenhagen ended in 1972, after operating for 109 years. Some of the tram cars were then shipped off to Egypt where they were put to use in Alexandria. Years later, the Danish Tramway Society managed to bring two of them back for the tram museum.
The message on the card reads:
We walked down here yesterday. It is a beautiful town. I like it so much, shall be sorry to leave it. I do not find it very cold, the air is quite different to England so invigorating. I feel quite "buxom" already. The customs seem so very strange, but shall get used to them. Am writing a long letter, so shall close this with fond love. B.S.
Well, there's the trade-off of a postcard vs. a letter. You get a nice picture on the front, but the message often raises more questions than it answers. What exactly are those strange customs?