Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Tomorrow will be the one-year anniversary of The Daily Postcard.  My original intention was to do this blog for a year and then stop, which would make this the last post!  I'm not quite ready to do that though - maybe at the end of the calendar year. 

Since I'm up here on stage with the microphone, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have stopped by and left insightful, thoughtful, and amusing comments.  That's what really makes this interesting and worthwhile.  I also want to thank all of you who read the blog but don't leave comments.  I know you're out there and I appreciate you even if you don't talk back. Finally, I'd like to thank people everywhere who preserved a bit of history and a bit of their lives by sending postcards.

Here to help us celebrate is an unknown couple getting married at the underground wedding chapel in Thunder Mountain Park in the Ozarks. I hope they celebrated many anniversaries.  Many thanks to my favorite hillbilly over at Could it Be Madness - this? for sending me this card.

During this last year there have been just over 30,000 unique visits to The Daily Postcard and nearly 80,000 page views. Still not nearly as popular as People Magazine, but that's O.K.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Louisville, Kentucky

Here's an oddity. This postcard was probably printed in about 1915, but it shows a street scene from 1850.  It really does look as if a very early photograph was used as the basis for the card, which was then colored and embellished. I've never seen anything quite like it.

There is still a Galt House in Louisville. It is the official hotel of the Kentucky Derby and is now a 25-story building with 1,300 rooms.  I don't think it's in exactly the same location either. it looks like it may have migrated across the street.

Here's the back of the card:

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Uncle Frank's Maple Sugar

The front of the card's nice enough, but it's the message I really like:

The message to Frank Johnston reads:
Hello, Uncle.
I suppose you are making maple sugar this spring.  good-by
Clifton Foster

I think this Clifton Foster was from Hancock, Delaware County, New York.

Oh, here's the front of the card:


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