Sunday, March 7, 2010

Streetcar Sunday - The Cherrelyn Horse Car

 The famous Cherrelyn streetcar started service in 1892 in the Denver, Colorado area, providing service between Englewood and Littleton. The horse would pull the car uphill, and on the return trip the horse was loaded onto the back of the car and the car proceeded down the hill powered by gravity. The fare was 5 cents. The Cherrelyn horse car ran until 1910 when it was replaced by electric cars, but the old one is still on display in Englewood.

There is a story (probably apocryphal) that the retired horses from the Cherrelyn  horse car were sold to farmers, who had no trouble getting the horses to pull a plow uphill, but a lot of trouble convincing them to pull it downhill.
The Cherrelyn horse car became an early tourist attraction and sold a lot of postcards.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sunday School Dogs

It seems that at one time it was common practice to send personal reminders to attend Sunday school and church. The message reads:

Dear Bernice: Sunday is rally day for the Church and Sunday School. I am real anxious all my little folks should come so hope you will be with us. With love from your Sunday School teacher Miss Loring.

Miss Loring did not want Bernice to be distracted by the original message on the front of the card - or perhaps she couldn't stand the bad rhyme. The scratched out text reads: Two little Airedale pups are we. Shaggy of coat and of gender "she."

Friday, March 5, 2010

East Water Street -Elmira, New York

Here are two old views of E. Water Street from Railroad Ave. and here's what it looks like today:

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Although there are some very nice remaining old buildings in Elmira, the ones on E. Water Street appear to be gone.


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