Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lincoln Hotel and Lincoln Motel

There are few similarities beyond the Lincoln name. A lot of things were named after Lincoln. It's a natural that the City of Lincoln, Nebraska would have a Lincoln Hotel.

Then, there's the Motel Lincoln on Lincoln Way in Masillon, Ohio.  I can picture Abraham Lincoln staying at the Lincoln Hotel, but it's a little harder to imagine him having an overnight at the Motel Lincoln. Maybe if he wore Bermuda shorts and left the hat at home.

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order:
 And here's the second one:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

U.S. Military Camps - Savannah, Georgia

A lot of postcard collectors shun postcard folders for reasons I completely understand. For one thing, you have to unfold them to look at the images. Then you have to fold them up again. They're also printed on lighter paper. On the other hand, you often get the views that are available on regular postcards, except you get 18 of them!
Here are some of the views from a circa 1940 folder of military camps around Savannah, Georgia. War is ugly, but somehow these images of Camp Stewart and Savannah Air Base manage to appear charming.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Annie Crawford's Siblings

Annie Crawford lived in Battle Creek, Michigan. Her siblings, who lived in Chicago seem to have had some difficult times.

The message to Mrs. Annie Crawford, written in August, 1911, reads:
My dear Sister, your letter received this a.m. and glad to hear from you. I am at home but don't get around much, the wound is not all healed yet. I am getting along nicely, but it is very slow work. Will write you soon. Today has been the first I have written any one, and all have had postals. I get easily tired. Love to all from Maisie.

The following postcard is from her brother, sent two years later:

Dear Sister
Would you kindly do what you can to send receipts and card as soon as possible. I need them bad
your brother Charlie

Another interesting note about the first card - the conservatory shown on the front of the card was torn down in 1905, six years before the card was sent. Due to graft and neglect, the conservatory had fallen into disrepair when Jens Jensen, the prairie-style landscape architect was called in to revamp the park. He elected to have the conservatory torn down.


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