Tuesday, July 5, 2011

One-Room Schoolhouse

I don't know much about this one-room schoolhouse, except that it was in a town in Oregon that starts with the letter B.
Any thoughts?

Cassie, a teacher at this school, sent the card to Hilda Olsen in Monmouth, Oregon:
Dear Hilda  4/1/09
I have intended to write a letter to you every day but haven't had a chance. Will grab the first opportunity. Have only 10 more days of school and you know what a job it is to prepare a class for exams. This is where I shine and part of my little flock. (The absent part consists of two.) write to me soon can't you? Tue. without a letter from you isn't Tue. at all.

Ten more days of school would have meant that instruction stopped on April 11th! It seems early, but it's also possible that those children were needed on the farm during the busy spring months.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

I hope you are enjoying a slice of watermelon and some fun family activities today.

Here are the backs of the cards in the same order.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Ladies from Milwaukie

The spelling of Milwaukie, Oregon often causes confusion, since the other Milwaukee (the more important one) is spelled with two E's.  But we like our little Milwaukie too.
Ruth Hudson sent this card to her mother, Mrs. W.J. Hudson, in Milwaukie, Oregon in 1912.
It was late July, and Ruth had gone to Chico, California, perhaps with some other girls from Milwaukie. They may have had some kind of summer employment.

Ruth's message reads:
Dear Mama: The Peckover girls have on the hats. Ruth has on the embroider dress. Grace B. has on the ribbons. Hazel Lillie is sitting beside Grace B. and Edith is sitting beside me. We are not making trays to day. Florence and I are going downtown soon. Tell papa and Paul to write. My, I wish that you could have some of the ice cream, watermelon and peaches that we have here. Well Bethel is doing dish so I must run and wipe them. How are you getting along with the work. xxx Ruth H.

Although you may not encounter ice cream, watermelon, and peaches, you can expect to find additional photos of other lovely ladies at Sepia Saturday this weekend.


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