Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Le Clou Du Voyage

I hope no unfortunate circumstances like this interfere with your weekend travels plans.

This card was sent to Mr. Jimmie Kearney in Washington D.C. from his sister in Switzerland in 1932.

The message reads:

Le Clou du Voyage - "The Cloud on the Trip" - or in other words - "the fly in the ointment." These babies are having a hard time. they have had a puncture! Today was Palm Sunday + tomorrow we are on Easter vacation. Miss Bahr (?) has to work part of the time tomorrow but we are going riding in the P.M. Wish you were here to go with us Jimmie - we would have such a good time. I will send you a picture of us soon. Hope you and Baby Brother are well + happy - much love from Lalla(?) Palm Sunday March 20

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tram Tuesday - Dresden, Germany

Dresden has a long history as a center for transportation. The first horse-drawn streetcars started transporting passenger in 1872, but electric streetcars were already operating in 1893.  The city, along with the transportation network, was pretty much destroyed during World War II, but today the tram network is alive and well with twelve routes and 200 km of track. Here's a view of Dresden before it was bombed beyond recognition.

Here's an image of the square in 1950 taken by Roger Rössing and Renate Rössing. Note that two of the streetlights remain.

Here's the back of the card.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Don't Go Back to Reston

This card was sent in 1909 with a message that doesn't seem to fit the picture...or does it?

Here's the back of the card, sent to Miss Lillian Smith in Roseburg, Oregon in 1909:

The message reads:
Dear Friend
I have been to church every night I could and I think I have got my sins forgiven very well by this time. I feel like a chritan any way. I don't no how I look. Well I sopose to-morrow will ind your time in Roseburg for a while. Well of course you can do as you can do as you please but I see your finish if you go back to Reston. I will sing off hoping to hear from you soon. Alee P.


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