The Hague is the seat of government in the Netherlands, but it is not the capital (that would be Amsterdam.) This always strikes me as very odd, and I can't think of another country where the two roles are split between different cities, can you? The Hague is also the judicial capital of the United Nations.
Today, The Hague has as extensive network of electric trams, although there is no longer one operating on this side of the Ridderzaal. There is also a Public Transport Museum in The Hague, housed in a beautiful old tram depot.
Here's a postcard I received recently from Fred, who lives in The Hague. The Ridderzaal is shown in the upper left-hand corner.

Thanks for drawing The Hague/Amsterdam distinction, Christine, which was never clear to me. The Union of South Africa had unusual arrangements at one time, maybe still does, but I can't recall any details. Anyway, Europe is a very cool place. Jack/Youngstown