Tuesday, September 15, 2009

California Alligator Farm

Out for a drive at the California Alligator Farm, Los Angeles, Cal.
This card addressed to Faith Soderstrom in La Luz, New Mexico, was written in Swedish. It looks like it was sent in 1913. I don't speak Swedish, so I can't tell you what it says. I would welcome a translation though, if someone else wants to give it a try.

The California Alligator Farm opened in 1907 and was located On Mission Road and Lincoln Park Avenue, right next door to the Los Angeles Ostrich Farm. At one point they had over 1,000 alligators on exhibit. The farm charged 25 cents admission and offered rides for children, views of incubating eggs, and also carried a complete line of alligator handbags and belts. The alligator farm was a major city tourist attraction in its heyday.

Fences surrounding the farm were not always successful in keeping alligators in and visitors out. Fraternity pranksters from local universities would occasionally try to steal alligators, and flood waters would sometimes result in stray alligators in Lincoln Park Lake. The alligators also annoyed neighbors with their loud bellowing and their occasional unwelcome presence in swimming pools and back yards.

The farm was closed in 1953 and the animals were moved to Buena Park. Rumor has it that the song "See You Later Alligator" recorded by Bill Haley and the Comets in 1955 was partly inspired by this event.


  1. Wonderful again! See you later alligator.

  2. Way to go Christine! After my heart---alligators! I think the writing is an old Swedish saying that my good friend and previous boss, professor Dr. Rolf Larsen, alligator researcher extraoridainnaire, used to use quite often: "sving de luben nyt obster lagen daaz nieber maddjem ty facen ty banjhendem" = "may the skin of your ass never be made into the face of a banjo". Maybe? Hmm.

  3. Hooray!! The alligator farm has a youtube video too. How groovy to see this special card here at the daily postcard! http://www.cpaphilblog.com/search?q=california+alligator



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