Friday, June 11, 2010

The Woodin Album

This is not my family, but I feel disturbed by abandoned relatives even if they belong to others. These and a few other photos were included in a postcard album. Why was this album discarded? Who were these people?  I know a little. The surname for the family appears to be Woodin, and they lived in Cortland, New York at the turn of the century. Lulu, Jennie, and Fred...and their parents, presumably, whose names I don't know.

I think the album I have is Jennie's. Here are some of the pictures.
Fred, Lulu, and Marjorie (?):

Fred and Lulu  (The first two pictures appear to have been taken outside. Note the grass, leaves, and plants at Fred's feet.)

 The parents?

Be sure to check out all of the wonderful posts and stories of Sepia Saturday here.


  1. What great photos! If the first two photos were taken outside, it looks like they have a backdrop that they was used since it's the same one for both photos. Maybe the light was better out there?

  2. Interesting shots, I'd so have to find out as much as I could!

    Nobody seems to be smiling though...

  3. It has been a big happening in those days being for photos, I think even smiling was not proper then.
    They are really fine photos!

    Good weekend to you and greetings from Finland!

  4. Exceptionally good looking people and some great photos/ They may not have been smiling but I think I see a twinkle in their eyes.

  5. Beautiful photographs! Your unknown Fred was a good looking man. Somewhere there is a family who would be delighted to be reunited with these pictures. I hope you find them and learn their story one day. In the meantime, Fred, Jennie and Lulu are in good hands!

  6. Well, except for the gentlemen in the last two shots I get the feeling all of these people were just waiting to crack smiles. It's right there below the surface. I dare say some might actually be biting their tongues.

  7. Except for their clothing and hairstyles, they look so modern in the first photo!

  8. I know it happens all the time but it's hard to imagine someone passing on an album with beautiful old family photos in it, especially when some of us (me!) can find so very few family photos! These are gorgeous. The poses are serious because people had to hold still for up to a minute for the camera to get the image. It's easier to hold an unsmiling face than a smile. I hope just maybe you can find family who would lke these photos.

  9. Those painted backdrops are fantastic...and so many of them. I'm guessing they were done in the studio and the plants and grass were carefully placed on the floor to "seamlessly" match the "seamless".(that's what we call the colored paper backdrops we use today).
    I think I know why there are so many "orphan" photos out there. After one of my aunts died my mother noticed in the trash can at the curb some quilts and went to look closer. My uncle had thrown away several family quilts and lots of photos. He had carefully kept the photo albums. Of course my mother saved the photos and quilts. I hate to say it but in some cases it's "a man thing". Sometimes they're just not as interested in family history as we women. Of course, all the men on Sepia Saturday excluded.

  10. Outstanding photos...I find in my collection of old family photos of those known and unknown that many were done on is sad today to not know who and when they are, but when nothing was written down and no one is around, they lose meaning.

  11. Wonderful pictures! I'm glad you shared them, even though they're not your kin.

  12. I have two cloth covered albums like that. I need to take the time to figure it all out. You inspire me. I think it is kind of a way to honor those lives even though the family is all gone. Great blog.



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